BOOK REVIEW: Love and Respect Devotional
A Husband-Friendly Devotional that Wives Truly Love
By Emerson Eggerichs
My wife and I have both read the Love and Respect Book and have both watched the Love and Respect videos. It has been an asset to our home and marriage, opening our eyes and the eyes of thousands to the deep desires of male and female in a relationship. When the Love and Respect Devotional came out it only made sense to get it and apply the Love and Respect concept to our daily lives.
This Devotional has 52 sessions making it easy for a weekly devotional with you and your spouse. Each devotional provides us with a reminder of the concepts taken from the Love and Respect message found in the books. Each chapter provides a key scripture to meditate on as well as well as a prayer that gives you language to bring your meditation before God and allow it to change the way you think. In each chapter you will also find an "Action", it is basically a challenge to put into practice the Love and Respect concepts in a practical way. My wife and I look it over together and decide it if is something that we are remotely interested in doing, and many of them are not applicable to us; but it may be for others.
The most helpful piece I have found in the devotional is that there are discussion questions in the back, nothing ground breaking but it simply gets you and your spouse talking about your marriage. It gives you a medium to meet and discuss how to apply the Love and Respect message to your marriage.
The only thing I would like to point out is that this is not a Devotional that should be used as a personal devotional (or at least exclusively). This is a tool that seems designed to bring you and your spouse closer as the primary goal and if you are looking for a devotional to get you into the word I would recommend using something else. Did I mention the book looks and feels very cool?
I recommend this book to any couple that have been introduced to the Love and Respect message and would like to apply it to everyday lives.
This book was provided free from Thomas Nelson's program for my unbiased review.